Tuesday, January 31, 2017


I found a peacoat on clearance for $17.99. And I had a $10 off $10 coupon. !!! It rang up for $14. ?? So I asked the clerk if she was sure the coupon came off. She'd had trouble getting my assoc discount applied. I was pretty sure she'd wiped out the coupon. But she insisted she'd done it. So after she gave me the receipt, voila, no the coupon hadn't come off. So I had another clerk fix it.
Me, to Austin: I hate that when I specifically ask if X happened and they don't even check, just say yes.
Austin: I'm proud of you for getting it fixed.
Me: It was ten dollars. I'm not going to let that slide. A buck or two, but not ten.
Austin: But what you should have done was take your receipt to work with you tomorrow and had them fix it.
Me: Store purchase.
Austin: Nah, you should have walked up to so-and-so and insist she fix it. She's corporate. You know she can do it.
So-and-so, I give you permission to beat up Austin.

Monday, January 30, 2017


Austin was washing dishes and had my iPod on. Then Blue by LeeAnn Rimes comes on.
Me: This is my favorites list?
Austin: Yeah. You don't love this song? You don't have a country girl in your heart?
Me: I like the song, but I'm not in love with it.
I continue to be perplexed, then I snicker.
Me: You know that song Blue by Eiffel?
Austin starts snickering too.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Rachel's Boyfriend

Once again, I took one of those silly FB quizzes.

Poor Austin, he loses to Emun Elliott again.  Now if I could get Emun Elliott to go along with this whole boyfriend thing . . .